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Five siblings, the first-class endangered Korean tiger, were born in Korea.


Click The first search term is 'Korean tiger is born'.

These are Korean tiger cubs born in June at Everland Zoo in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province.

They are 3 females and 2 males, and 5 siblings. These are the second babies given to a 6-year-old female Geon-Gon and a male Tae-Ho after a year and four months after giving birth to two last year.

The Korean tiger is a rare animal that has been designated as one of the endangered species by the Wildlife Conservation Convention, as there are only about 1,000 left in the world.

It is known that only 2 to 3 babies are born at a time, so it is very rare in the world that 5 babies are born at once like this time.

The tiger cubs, who were born at 1 kg and grew to 6 kg in 40 days, are

growing healthy while eating baby food

made with ground meat


Everland plans to open the five tiger siblings to the public in early October, when they are 100 days old.

Netizens responded, "I'm still a tiger, but can I be this cute?", "This is a really happy one^^ The mother tiger who struggled to give birth had a lot of trouble."