Jungwon-jae, a freelance designer with 13 years of experience, suddenly lost his job.

Jin Hee-young, a university student who was practicing at a welfare center, had to leave the field after two weeks.

All of them are pictures of neighbors who have lost their jobs due to the corona virus.

It has been a year and a half since the first confirmed case in Korea, but the hard fight shows no sign of ending.

In particular, the damage is highly discriminatory.

When SBS conducted an emergency poll on the polarization of our society, both responses that income has decreased by more than 50% since Corona 19 and that they have lost their jobs were the most in low-income households with a monthly income of 2 million won or less.

Those who are financially disadvantaged answered that it was more difficult.

This isn't the first time polarization has escalated after a crisis caused by a large-scale epidemic.

Countries that have suffered from large-scale epidemics such as SARS and H1N1 in the past have also seen more severe polarization than before.

Again, the polarization that has intensified through the disaster of Corona 19 can erode the sense of community and growth engine of Korean society.

SBS's issue exploration content studio Black will look at the traces of discrimination left by the coronavirus seven times in two weeks from today.

Today, in the first order, we will look at the issue of polarization in employment.

More details can be found in the video.