Cho Hee-yeon, superintendent of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, who is accused of unfair special hiring of dismissed teachers, appeared as a suspect at the high-ranking public officials' crime investigation office (Public Investigation Office) today (27th).

Superintendent Cho, who arrived at the Gwacheon Air Traffic Control Office at around 8:45 am today, met with reporters and completely denied the allegations, saying, "According to the procedure stipulated by the law, we legally carried out special assignments.

He said, "I still do not understand why the Board of Audit and Inspection took precautionary measures due to a procedural problem," he said.

Then, he said, "There will be a lot of questions and misunderstandings about me," he said, "and I will faithfully explain myself through the investigation," and headed to the investigation room.

Superintendent Cho is accused of having the chief of staff unfairly involved in the selection of judges, or excluding the vice superintendent, etc., from work who oppose this so that five teachers, including former teachers from the National Teachers and Staff Union (KTU), could be specially hired in 2018 (exercising the right to abuse of power) obstruction, violation of the State Public Officials Act).

On April 28 of this year, two days after completing the recruitment of prosecutors, the Ministry of Airborne Affairs registered Superintendent Cho as 'Exemption No. 1' and made it the subject of direct investigation of No. 1 of the Airborne Service. 

(Photo = Yonhap News)