Potentially shocking content, want a little, a lot, or none at all on Instagram?

The social network added a slider on Tuesday to allow users to limit the appearance of so-called “sensitive” images on their feed.

They will now have the choice between "allow", "limit" (the option checked by default) and "further limit" photos and videos that may "disturb or offend".

Young people under the age of 18 will not have access to the “authorize” option.

Other tools already in place

"We recognize that each person has different preferences in terms of what they want to see in 'Explore' [the general feed], and that control will give people more choices," Facebook said in a statement. parent company of the very popular application. “Sensitive” content at Instagram mainly concerns violence and sexual allusions. Its regulations prohibit nudity in particular - users are not allowed to show certain parts of the body, with exceptions, such as breastfeeding or works of art.

This slider should allow users, if they wish, to see even less content authorized but considered biased by the app. "We had already started to move in this direction with tools, such as the ability to disable comments or to prevent someone from interacting with you on Instagram," recalls the platform.

Four years ago, it also added a fuzzy filter on "sensitive" content, with a warning that leaves the user the choice to see the image or not.

But the pressure remains as strong as ever on social networks, which seek both to facilitate the free expression of their users and creators, while responding to the concerns of society on the use of platforms for malicious purposes, online harassment with disinformation.


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  • Instagram

  • High-Tech

  • Social networks