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dolphin and a beluga whale. Although they can be easily seen in aquariums, both types are 'International Endangered Species', and criticism has been constantly raised that it is abuse to keep them in such a narrow tank and perform them. In the meantime, dozens of animals have died one after another in various places in the aquarium, and it seems that such performances will disappear in the future. The National Assembly and the government propose a bill to ban related actions.

Exclusive report, first of all, reporter Kwon Ji-yoon.


Beluga, a beluga whale, spinning around in a small aquarium, and dolphins used in various performances such as spinning hula hoops and carrying people.

As of 2009, a total of 61 dolphins and beluga were brought to Korea for the purpose of viewing the exhibition, but only 24 remain.

They started dying within a year, and over the past 12 years, over 60% of 37 animals have died one after another.

Considering that the average age at the time of death is 8.6 years, and the average lifespan of dolphins in nature is 30-40, it is less than a third of the lifespan.

Twenty-one died in less than five years, including ten who lived less than five years, and the longest-lived was only 18.

Being confined in a narrow tank and being mobilized for unwanted performances and contact is considered the main cause of death.

[Cho Hee-kyung/CEO of Animal Freedom Coalition: Dolphins turn over and jump to get the audience's response is a struggle to fill their hungry stomach.

Also, in the process of human contact, dolphins are under a lot of stress.] As the

death continued and voices criticizing the abuse grew louder, the National Assembly and related ministries came up with a bill to ban it, at least.

It was decided to prohibit the introduction of dolphins, etc., which are not suitable for exhibition due to the risk of death, and to punish them with imprisonment for up to one year or a fine.

It also prohibits acts that harm animal welfare by inflicting mental and physical stress, and punishable up to imprisonment for violations.

[Roh Woong-rae / Member of the Democratic Party of Korea: Experience programs such as touching dolphins or riding on their backs will be completely banned.

You will no longer be able to prevent whales from dying from stress.]

Changed the current aquarium registration system to a permit system, and made it possible to revoke permits if standards are not met.

A related bill with the core purpose of 'promoting animal welfare and respecting life' is scheduled to be introduced in the form of legislative legislation this week.

(Video coverage: Munsan Bae, Video editing: Wonhee Won, Video source: Geoje Sea World Action for Animals Lotte World Aquarium)