Amid growing concerns about the fourth wave of COVID-19, a corona pledge written by a middle school student in Daejeon is attracting attention.

'I swear I'll be back home before 11pm', 'I swear I'll wear a mask better than I do now' A pledge letter stating to follow the quarantine rules, on the 7th, a middle school daughter living in Seo-gu, Daejeon It is said to be a pledge given to my father, who returned home after 11 pm on the pretext of working at the company.

Recently, as the number of new COVID-19 cases rapidly increased and showed signs of a fourth pandemic, it was like a yellow card pledge.

The daughter who handed the pledge said, 'No matter how much I talk, if my father comes home without wearing a mask, he washes his hands roughly.'

The father, who accepted the pledge, said, 'I am reminded of how anxious my family is because of me' and promised to keep each and every one of them well.