
A woman reported to us that an unknown man had sneaked into the house where he was living alone through the veranda several times.

The whistleblower installed a ​CCTV in the house and checked it, and he was a man who lives on the same floor next to the building.

Reporter Shin Jung-eun covered the report.


A, living alone on the 6th floor of an officetel in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, felt a strange feeling right after moving in.

[Mr. A/Reporter: The window was open.

It was like that again about two weeks later.

The tissue paper in the drain pipe was moving.] I was so

lazy that I changed the front door password three times.

[Mr. A / reporter:'I couldn't remember or it's a (fully automatic) window malfunction.' When that's been repeated about five times, a friend tries to install CCTV in the house...

.] On the

dawn of 5 days after installing CCTV, when I was away from home, a motion detection sensor suddenly rang.

Mr. A, who looked at the screen, was terribly surprised.

[Mr. A/Suggested person: Someone came out of the bedroom. He wanders around as if he's used to it, then goes around the living room, turns around the dressing room, and then goes to the front door.]

This man walks around the house as if he were his own, and leaves casually.

After reporting the police, I surrendered when the investigation began.

It was a man who lived on the same floor of the building next door.

It is the sixth floor of the building, so it is such a dizzying height at a glance, but it was found that the man grabbed the porch railing and crossed over to the next building.

The building is 1.2m apart.

The man told the police that he had been "intoxicated and intrigued" and had invaded once more.

[Police official: He said he went in because the lights were off and there seemed to be no victims. He didn't do anything special, and it was inside.]

Mr. A requested an active investigation, saying that the intrusion was habitual when he saw the traces of the house.

However, the police sent a single case captured by CCTV to the prosecution on suspicion of invading housing.

The police are in the position that there are no plans to further investigate the intention of illegal filming or sexual crime.

※ After the incident, the victim woman A and the abused man left the officetel and moved.

(Video coverage: Myung-koo Kim and Hak-mo Kim, Video editing: Player Park)