A man was sentenced to jail for breaking into a house after opening a window in someone else's house and putting his arm in.

In early October of last year, Mr. A, in the early morning of October last year, opened a screen and a window in front of someone else's house near his residence and pushed his arm inside.

He even touched the curtains in the room, and ran away when a resident of the house pretended to be popular.

It is known that there was a woman in the house.

The police captured Mr. A through analysis such as CCTV video recordings.

For Mr. A, who was accused of invading housing, Judge Park Joon-beom, the 5th criminal justice of the Daejeon District Law, sentenced him to one year in prison and two years probation.

They ordered probation and 200 hours of community service.

Judge Park emphasized, "This case of opening the window of another person's room in the morning and putting the arm in it poses the risk of a bigger crime, so the crime cannot be taken lightly."

The crime of invasion of housing, which can result in a prison sentence of up to 3 years or a fine of up to 5 million won, is established even if only a part of the body, such as a hand or face, is placed in the room where another person is. 

(Photo = Getty Image Bank)