The sentence for the offender for the'sexual assault situational drama' has been confirmed to be five years in prison.

The second division of the Supreme Court confirmed the court case sentenced to five years in prison in an appeal for rape of 39-year-old Oh Mo.

The 29-year-old Moo, who induced Oh to rape the victim, was also sentenced to nine years in prison for attempting to invade or rape a home.

In August 2019, Lee dressed up as a woman in her 30s who wanted to play a sexual assault situation through a chat application, and then gave Oh her home address that was irrelevant.

On the same day, Mr. Oh entered the home of a victim who did not have one face and committed sexual assault.

In the first instance, Mr. Oh was controversial as he was convicted of being acquitted even though the victim was present.

In December of last year, the Appeals Tribunal rejected the court case judged innocent and sentenced Mr. Oh to five years in prison for rape.

Even after seeing the victim's reaction, the judge ruled that it could not convince Mr. Oh's claim that he believed it was a situational drama.

The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal, saying that there was no mistake in misunderstanding the law in the judgment of the appeal hearing. 

(Photo = Courtesy of Yonhap News TV, Yonhap News)