
There is an app called'Smart National Report' that can notify the police of traffic violation vehicles or report crimes.

However, there have been reports that even if you take the time to shoot a video and report it through the app, it is not handled properly due to difficult conditions.

Reporter Jung Joon-ho reports.


This is a video of a traffic violation vehicle by a citizen.

[No. 2○○○○○ One-way reverse driving.

January 9, 6:38.] We

took a picture together until the time on the mobile phone and reported it through the smart national reporting app.

However, the result of the treatment was'no penalty for disposal'.

That's why you can't believe the time stamped.

[Smart national reporter: There is a specific black box app such as Naver's watch that clearly shows up to the date, time, and seconds...

Other than those two, they cannot admit it.]

There is a precedent of manipulating the date of the video to report it, so the police say that only videos with the year, date, and time were taken, or filmed with the camera installed in the report app. Description.

[Seoul Police Agency official: Because it can be manipulated in Photoshop or because it can go wrong...


By the way, the app only says, "Please write down the violation date to the minute, even if it is not accurate."

Separate guides and internal guidelines are set up separately.

[Smart national reporter: I invest my time, enter the app, write an explanation, and invest like this...

Do I need to use this app?]

The smart national reporting app, which has been operating since 2015, has more than 1 million cumulative downloads and an average of 750,000 reports per year.

By the way, the app was rated by about 4,000 people, only 2.4 out of 5.

It is pointed out that there is a need for improvement so that there is no inconvenience to users, although it is shooting momentary traffic violations or crime.

(Video editing: Kim Jong-woo, VJ: Kim Hyeong-jin)