The photo post that Busan City posted on the official Facebook to prevent the spread of Corona 19 at the end of the year is controversial.

According to the city of Busan today (21st), the city recently posted a post on the city's official Facebook page with the phrase "The end of the year of rats in 2020, please stay at home as if you are dead."

Since then, this post has received dozens of protesting comments.

In the comment, Mr. Dan A said, "I know that everyone suffers from hard work in difficult times, but I think that the expression asking you to stay at home as if a mouse is dead is overkill." "There is a problem with the expression," he pointed out.

Mr. B wrote, "Don't you know that the word to live as if a mouse is dead is usually used as a negative language," and "I doubt that no one would have objected until this was passed."

Another citizen collapsed, saying, "The mother rat, who has been quietly at home with two baby mice for the third week, is hurting her heart," and said, "The expression is makes people who want to live with hard work.

The power of the people The Busan City Party issued a statement today and asked, "Will we have to dig their hearts with the words'Let's be dead as a rat' in a situation where even if we strengthen support for small business owners and self-employed people?

He insisted, "It is no different from that of the incompetent and irresponsible Moon Jae-in government that is passing on the failure of K-quarantine to the people."

The poem replaced the post with another photo when controversy arose.

(Photo = Busan official Facebook capture, Yonhap News)