<Oh!” to find out the interests and honest reactions of today (21st) through SNS and Internet search terms

Click> Time.

At this time of year, the year's dead acronyms are released, and the 2020 year's dead acronyms have been released.


Click> The first search term is'Lion idiom of the year'.

As a result of a survey of 960 professors from the 7th to the 14th by the Professor's Newspaper, the dead word of the year in 2020 was'Ashitabi'.

'Ashitabi' is a deadly acronym that means'I am right and the other person is wrong'. It is a coined word that translates'If I do romance, if someone else is infidelity' and'Narrow Nambul', which are used as buzzwords, into Chinese.

Chung Tae-yeon, a professor at Chung-Ang University who recommended Ashitabi this year, revealed the reason for the recommendation, saying, "In our society this year, there are only exhausting fights that blame others and reproach each other, and there is no effort to solve problems through collaboration."

After Ashitabi, the second most voted lion idiom was'Huanmuchi', which means'I don't know shame because I'm too thick', and'Cheap-in-the-middle', which reflects the situation of Corona 19 this year, also ranked fourth.

Netizens responded, "It's a bit bitter that this year's lion idiom is the same as Nambul.", "It's a little bit bitter to say that this year's lion is the same as Nambul."

(Screen source: Professor's newspaper)