The 2021 University Academic Ability Test (SAT), which was conducted yesterday (3rd), was put on the cutting board due to the low level of difficulty of a 3-point Korean history question.

According to the education community, yesterday's final issue of the 20th issue of Korean history for SAT was to select a policy promoted by the government in which the speech was made after presenting a part of former President Roh Tae-woo's speech.

The correct answer was option 5,'We adopted the basic agreement between the two Koreas.'

Except for the correct answer, however, the other examples were controversial because they had nothing to do with modern history, such as'Issued Dangbaekjeon','Installed Dobyeong Masa','I enforced the Nobi Eye Surgery Method', and'Conquered Tsushima Island'.

In fact, criticism continued that it was a matter for scoring.

Unlike most questions, this question was scored a higher 3 points.

In the candidate community, criticism is pouring out, such as,'It is a level that can be corrected even without studying' and'Isn't the exam review team done too much?'

(Photo = Capture of Korean Curriculum and Assessment Service SAT, Yonhap News)