Tesla Model 3 -


Annabelle Brett, the Australian owner of a Tesla Model 3, has temporarily turned the lives of the two people who stolen her car on Thursday into hell.

She used the American manufacturer's mobile app for this.

This radio presenter in Canberra (Australia) was getting ready to go to work when the system told her that her vehicle's alarm had gone off, tells 

A Current Affair


A friend confirmed to him that his Model 3 was missing.

Annabelle Brett then located her car via the app and found that the thieves hadn't come a long way.

The host immediately notified the police and chased her own car with her friend's vehicle.

The latter was driving while the Australian filmed the whole scene.

He forgets his driving license in the car

In order to slow down the progress of criminals, the owner used several features of the American brand's app.

From a distance, for example, she slowed down the vehicle, activated the horn, lowered the windows to bother thieves as much as possible while they were driving.

The drivers of the stolen car were also filmed in the passenger compartment by the “Sentry Mode” camera designed to make recordings in the event of unwanted use, says 



The thugs, also filmed by several CCTV cameras throughout their escape, ended up abandoning the fruit of their theft and getting into another vehicle whose registration number communicated to the police.

While recovering her property, Annabelle Brett found that one of the thieves had left her driver's license inside, placed in an envelope labeled with her own address.

On the strength of this information communicated by the Australian, the police finally arrested the suspects.


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