Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol said today (22nd) that there was no actual consultation process with the great swordsman, saying, "There was no law to greet people in that way with all the greetings prepared."

Yoon responded in this way to a question that'President Yoon did not submit an opinion on the personnel proposal to the Ministry of Justice' at the National Assembly Audit held at the National Assembly today.

He said, "When I asked me to draft a (greeting), I said,'Minister, the prosecutor's office should give me a basic draft, so I won't do it.' I did."

In fact, this is to the effect that the prosecution's personnel plan has already been decided by the'supervisor' regardless of President Yoon.

General Yoon added, "The prosecutor's personnel authority is the President, but usually I have been in consultation with the chief prosecutors' officers when the proposal was made by the Prosecutor's Office of the Ministry of Justice."

The Ministry of Justice promoted personnel in the direction of giving preferential treatment to prosecutors from the Criminal and Tribunal this year, but there were suspicions that a large number of special-communication prosecutors had been demoted.

In the process, it was pointed out that the Ministry of Justice unilaterally greeted the president without consultation with Yun.

(Photo = Yonhap News)