
Kim Bong-Hyun, who revealed that he had been entertaining incumbent prosecutors as a key figure in the Lime incident, did not respond to the prosecution summons investigation, and then issued a second position in prison.

These prosecutors were from the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Investigation Team, claiming that hospitality was real, and that they received help from prosecution officials when Lee Jong-pil, former vice president of Lyme, fled.

Reporter Kim Deok-hyun reports.


Mr. Bong-Hyun Kim sent a second statement yesterday (21st) to SBS and other media outlets.

It has been 5 days since the suspicion of hospitality for prosecutors was disclosed through the first entrance door.

Kim said it was true that the three incumbent prosecutors were hosting three incumbent prosecutors in July 2019, as revealed in the first position, claiming that they were colleagues who worked with the Attorney A, who was present, and in the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering investigation team.

At the same time, two of the three prosecutors who were recently entertained during the investigation by the Ministry of Justice said that they were identified by looking at the photo, and that they saw a photo of the person estimated to be the other one, but they were not sure and were not able to specify it.

Kim Bong-hyun also claimed that Lime Asset Management, former vice president Lee Jong-pil, had received assistance from prosecution officials from the time he fled.

Officials at the prosecution allegedly informed the prosecution how to follow up, and that the situation related to the Lyme investigation was broadcast live.

In addition, after prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol said in August that "we must reject dictatorship and totalitarianism, which are under the guise of democracy," the prosecutor announced that he would proceed with the case related to the ruling party, which he said not to investigate. As a member of the investigation team, he claimed that human rights were violated.

In response, an official from the investigation team at the time refuted that Kim had never conducted an investigation with political intent, saying that there was no credible part of the argument.