The department said that "the production of the vaccine" EpiVacCorona "will be started on the basis of the State Scientific Center of VB" Vector "of Rospotrebnadzor, which has production facilities licensed in accordance with GMP requirements."

"The first post-registration series will be released at the end of October," RIA Novosti reports.

Earlier it was reported that the first batch of EpiVacCorona vaccine passed the control of Roszdravnadzor.

On October 14, Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced the registration of the second Russian vaccine against coronavirus infection, EpiVacCorona, developed by the Vector Center for Virology and Biotechnology.

Professor of the Department of Virology at the Belozersky Institute of Moscow State University, Alexei Agranovsky, in an interview with URA.RU, assessed the immunity of those vaccinated against COVID-19.