▲ Photo of the citation received by the daughter of former Minister Cho Kook

Chung Kyung-shim, a professor at Dongyang University, who is tried by the prosecution for irregularities in the entrance examination for children, made and printed the citation in person in court, saying that it is certain that his daughter Jo Mo's citation was forged.

Prosecutors said at a follow-up trial held at the hearing of the 25-2 part of the Seoul Central District Court Criminal Agreement (Judge Lim Jeong-yeop Kwon Seong-su, Deputy Judge Kim Sun-hee), "The citation in the name of the president of Tong Yang University that the defendant's daughter received is obviously forged." Revealed.

Subsequently, the prosecution made a certificate in court using a printer that had been prepared in advance and a form paper that was actually used in Dongyang University.

This is due to the fact that the judge asked the prosecution at a previous trial, "I wish to show the prosecution from the beginning that he produced the citation in the way that Professor Jung made it."

Professor Jeong's side has argued that in order to create a citation as the prosecution insisted, it is necessary to go through a difficult process such as image correction using a Photoshop program, and this is something that Professor Jeong, who is a'commune', cannot do.

Initially, the prosecution cut and said at the request of the judge, "(the forgery is obvious) it is not necessary", but after making a public listing in today's demonstration and printing it, "it takes less than 30 seconds".

He said, "The defendant decided to use a professional image program, but in reality, it can be easily produced with the MS Word program that Professor Jeong knows well."

On the other hand, Professor Jeong's trial, which is expected to be sentenced to a first trial within this year, leaves only the prosecution and the defendant's declarative investigation and decision trial after the last witness newspaper on the 24th of last month.

(Photo = Yonhap News)