According to the ONF, French forests are slowly dying because of the high temperatures resulting from global warming.

"If the forecasts of + 8 ° C in 2100 are confirmed, there will be nothing. There will be only stones, it will be Pakistan", says a technician at the microphone of Europe 1.

The heat wave accentuates the decline of French firs.

This is the conclusion drawn by Jean-Charles Vuillaume, technician from the National Forestry Office (ONF) in the Haut-Rhin.

If the phenomenon of forest fires devastates vegetation as now on the west coast of the United States, the heat itself could also destroy entire forests.

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This finding is all the more worrying given that France is currently experiencing a new heat wave this week with temperatures above seasonal norms.

These high temperatures, combined with the lack of rainfall, weaken the trees, and for some, have led to their mortality.

"There will only be stones, it will be Pakistan"

"We are witnessing a massive disappearance of a species which has been there for 10,000 years", warns Jean-Charles Vuillaume.

"There are places in the forest where the fir tree has completely disappeared when it was still present in large numbers only five years ago ..." And the forecasts of the specialists are not there to reassure the local technician of the NFB.

"If the forecasts of + 8 ° C in 2100 are confirmed there will be nothing left. There will be only stones, it will be Pakistan. So that is what is quite scary for tomorrow."


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"It really smells of fir!"

All the more so as Jean-Charles Vuillaume recalls that these phenomena are now perpetuated from year to year and that no lull has been observed for a while, even less in 2020. "We tell ourselves that things will get better this year, and bah no rebelotte, new drought during confinement. It was a little better in June, but we had a month of July with record temperatures. We are in September and it is still 31 ° C ... We tell ourselves that ' there is no possible outcome. It really smells of fir! ", he finally quipped while maintaining his gravity.