Robot servers to deal with the coronavirus in restaurants in Korea -


The first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic has been relatively well contained in South Korea, but in recent weeks, the number of new cases has been steadily increasing in the Land of the Morning Calm.

Local authorities have therefore implemented new measures to combat the spread of the pandemic.

Security measures that some are strengthening thanks to new technologies.

This is particularly the case of the telecommunications operator KT, also active in the new technologies sector.

The latter has just announced the deployment of robot servers in certain restaurants, report our colleagues from ZDnet.

These robots are intended to provide room service, in order to reduce contact between customers and staff, as well as the workload of human servers.

Serving robots or AI Serving Robot are able to map a restaurant room and move around it thanks to autonomous driving technology while avoiding obstacles.

Thanks to their 3D spatial mapping of space, they are also able to know where each table is located and to get there without a hitch, assures the operator.

Designed for serving, the robots feature a design that allows them to carry up to 4 trays at a time.

Very practical in times of pandemic

As a first step, the AI ​​Serving Robots will be deployed in one of the restaurants of the Mad for Garlic chain in Seoul.

After that, the robot servers will be deployed to other establishments in the chain, if all goes well.

KT's robots are not the first to serve in restaurants, but it is true that the current framework lends itself rather well apart from the entertainment and technological aspect.

Earlier this year, KT had also developed disinfectant robots to combat the coronavirus pandemic.


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  • Restoration

  • Covid 19

  • Robotics

  • Restaurant

  • Coronavirus

  • South Korea

  • Robot

  • High-Tech