Amazon releases a new connected bracelet - Mark Lennihan / AP / SIPA

Are you bringing the stress of work home? An Amazon connected bracelet can tell you that, in addition to analyzing the quality of your sleep or the distribution of your body fat.

The e-commerce and technology giant has been marketing a screenless bracelet since Thursday, called Amazon Halo. The latter continuously measures and assesses the physical activity of users using artificial intelligence systems.

Introducing Amazon Halo, a new wearable band and membership that helps you improve your health and wellness. #AmazonHalo

Request early access now ➡️

- Amazon (@amazon) August 27, 2020

The analyzed voice

As with many connected accessories, the idea is to assess their health and well-being in a precise and personalized way. A surprising detail is added: the "Tone" function determines whether the wearer's voice sounds more or less positive, in order to "better understand how his tone is perceived by others, and help him improve his voice. communication and its relations ”, explains a press release from the group. “Tone may reveal that a difficult business call leads to less positive communication with a client's family, an indication of the impact of stress on emotional well-being. "

The bracelet transcribes the intensity of movement during exercise, the quality of sleep, heart rate and other variables into a point system. Running earns more points than walking, for example. The user can choose to share their results with partners, such as diet apps. Amazon assures us that all of this very personal information will be protected and can easily be deleted. For the "Tone" function, the voice recordings are analyzed directly on the smartphone and deleted immediately after.

Change habits

The bracelet costs $ 65 on presale in the United States with a 6-month subscription to advanced features. It will then be sold for $ 100 with a monthly subscription of $ 4.

"Despite the expansion of digital health services and devices over the past decade, we have not seen commensurate improvements in the health of the American population," notes Maulik Majmudar, responsible for the medical aspect of the bracelet. With this new accessory, Amazon therefore hopes to change habits.


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  • High-Tech
  • Health
  • Sport
  • Connected bracelets
  • Sleep
  • Amazon