A video game controller (illustration). - REED SAXON / AP / SIPA

There are three billion gamers in the world, if you count all the digital video game platforms. The figure is put forward by DFC Intelligence, a specialist in the sector, which has identified players on current computer and game consoles, but also those playing on smartphones or tablets.

The DFC Intelligence report, published on Wednesday and relayed by Presse-Citron , also counts people playing games on social networks or via Internet browsers. In total, 40% of the inhabitants of the planet play at least occasionally one of these games. According to the authors of the report, only people using paid games were counted.

Only 8% of console players

The Asian continent alone is home to 53% of mobile gaming enthusiasts. Europe comes second, with 17% of players, ahead of Latin America, which has 11%. Sub-Saharan Africa and the region encompassing the Middle East and North Africa each host 7% of the gamers listed. Next comes North America, with 4%.

These figures may be surprising but they can be explained by the preferences in terms of video game platform of the people counted. 44% of them have fun on their mobile phone or tablet, against only 8% on game consoles. 48% of the 3.1 billion gamers also use their computer to indulge in this distraction.


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  • High-Tech
  • Smartphone
  • Console
  • study
  • Video games