The social network launched this week an operation to raise awareness of dangers on the internet, to help parents and their children better protect themselves against risks. 15% of students are indeed victims of online harassment. 

Facebook plays the respectability card. The social network launched this week a major operation to raise awareness of the dangers on the Internet, aimed at parents and their children, while cyberstalking has exploded in recent years, and that confinement has further aggravated the situation. 

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The initiative is called "Summer School for a Connected Family", and takes the form of live videos where everyone can ask associations how to be sure that their child is not taking risks when they spend the day. on their computer or smartphone to surf social networks. And according to associations for the defense of children, there is an emergency. 

Because if, in recent years, there is a little less harassment in the schoolyard, online harassment has exploded. 15% of students are said to be victims, or a million children in suffering, even in distress. And Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook) are stalkers' favorite landmarks, far ahead of Snapchat or Twitter.

Children "overexposed to risks"

And the confinement has not helped, explains to Europe 1 Justine Atlan, of the association e-Enfance, describing "adolescents who will end up having spent six months outside of school, who have been overactive on the digital, and overexposed to the risk that can be encountered there ". "They will be solicited to send content of images or videos of them naked or of a sexual nature, will be able to be victims of publications of these contents in spite of themselves, or of blackmail on the webcam," she continues. 

Furthermore, the situation and awareness remain very complex. A third of the harassed say they too have been stalkers.