
As the heavy rain was issued again in Busan this month, which had been damaged twice due to rain, the residents were worried. Residents in areas with frequent water shortages and unfinished restoration work are hoping that this rain will pass without incident.

Reporter Sung-jun Song.


This is a low-lying village where flood damage occurred during the flooding of Dongcheon on the 10th and 23rd.

Every side street is full of household goods, clothing, and household items that are not used.

The house has not been properly cleaned up, but the residents are worried that the river will overflow again due to the thickening rain.

[Bakokja / flood affected population: floods in sewers and do not even flooded and because coming from another night of rain today, hey Dongcheon]

Busan mobilize the most of the workforce in the surrounding affected areas Dongcheon clean up flooding damage waste, connected to a small river in the village The drainage system is also operating from the afternoon to lower the water level.

This plant site, where the coal ash accumulated in October of last year, collapsed, on the 23rd, muddy water poured into the material warehouse, making it impossible to use raw materials.

This time, we are installing additional water drainage facilities, but before the work was over, there was a heavy rain.

The Choryang Underpass, which killed three people in the rapidly rising water, revealed a total loophole in disaster response.

The municipality did not control the vehicle for an hour and 40 minutes after the heavy rain alarm took effect.

Guidelines for controlling the vehicle during heavy rain warnings were also ignored, and 119 reports were not received in time due to congestion.

[Lee Junseo/Busan City Middle East: It's a little scary. Recently, there have been such accidents, so I am trying to avoid them.]

Busan City and the police went into emergency work to focus on the management of 46 places of concern, including nine underground roads.

(Video coverage: Kyung-Moon Jeong, Video editing: Jun-Hee Kim)