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The court's final hearing on Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, who is accused of promulgating false facts in relation to'accomplished hospitalization,' will be held at the Supreme Court today (16th) at 2 pm. Today's trial is broadcast live on TV and YouTube. In June 2012, when Governor Seongnam was in office, the governor was accused of instructing a health psychiatrist and a psychiatrist to force hospitalization of his brother in a mental hospital. In the TV debate held ahead of the local elections in 2018, he is also accused of making false statements to the effect that he has never tried to force his brother into hospitalization (public announcement of false information under the Public Election Act). Both the 1st and 2nd trials were judged innocent of allegedly obstructing the exercise of right to abuse, and the false trial was considered innocent, but the 2nd trial was considered guilty and sentenced to 3 million won, the ineffective election. If the Supreme Court confirms the ruling, the governor will lose office. If you receive a fine of 1 million won or more under the Public Official Election Act, the election will be void and your right to vote will be deprived for 5 years. This is the first time that the governor's sentence is broadcast live. Video mugs deliver the live scene.