Eric Dupond-Moretti at the Bobigny court, July 8, 2020. - ELIOT BLONDET-POOL / SIPA

You may have seen them on a friend's Facebook wall or on a WhatsApp chat. Because intoxicants rub shoulders with real news more and more, writing  20 Minutes  helps you sort out the true from the false.

1. The true of the false on 5G

Waves, personal data, satellites ... We take stock. 

2. No, Tom Cruise is not a presidential candidate

An old hoax has re-emerged on social media.

3. Is this viral info on Eric Dupond-Moretti true?

We take stock of what is true and what is false. 

4. A photo showing migrants arrested off the coast of Australia? It's wrong

Beware of this misleading cliché. 

5. No, Ségolène Royal was not trapped by a satirical site

Contrary to what some internet users may have thought.

6. Has a new study rehabilitated hydroxychloroquine?

We come back to the publication of The Lancet.

7. Is wearing a mask in churches contrary to the Catholic creed?

Not really, despite what ex-elected Agnès Cerighelli said. 

8. No, the Black Panthers did not destroy statues of Christ 

Images are hijacked.

9. Did an alignment of the planets take place on July 7?

Still, such a phenomenon should be possible. 

“Oh my fake” talks about the concern about selling pets to labs


Report information that you think is false to the "Fake Off" team of "20 Minutes"

  • 5G
  • United States
  • Donald trump
  • Fake Off
  • Government
  • By the Web