
It was revealed in four years that an unfair disciplinary action was taken against a teacher who reported child abuse.

The school district's fact-finding investigation was conducted lately about the disadvantage to reporters, and reporter Ahn Sang-woo covered what happened at the time.


Mr. A, a middle school teacher in Namhae, Gyeongnam, reported child abuse to the police four years ago.

After school, an orchestra class instructor used violence, such as speaking to students, hitting their heads with musical instruments or knees, or knocking over their stomachs.

Rather, the parents filed a complaint against teacher A, saying that it would undermine the school's reputation.

[Mr. A/damaged teacher: I thought it was the right thing, but I was embarrassed that I couldn't express it because a complaint came in reverse. It was a difficult situation.]

At the time, at the meeting with scholars from Gyeongnam Provincial Office of Education and parents, the scholar in charge of violence visited Mr. A in ridiculous words.

[At that time, the Office of Education Officer of School Violence: I would like the lecturers to be able to sympathize with this,'If you want to give violent and inhumane education, you have to sacrifice something small to get bigger'. ] When

Mr. A refuses, he mentions discipline.

[School Violence Officer, Office of School Violence at the time: You must not come out of school from September due to disciplinary action and sending it to the school district, giving sick leave, or taking measures. (Parents) Really picket up and do it in front of the school gate, superintendent's haircut.]

Immediately after this meeting, Teacher A was subjected to special audits and, rather, disciplinary action in the name of neglect to deal with school violence.

The scholar, who attended the meeting, explained the situation at the time, "It may have been overlooked in the course of mediating the conflict between parents and teachers, but there was no intention to inflict penalties."

Mr. A filed a lawsuit against unfair disciplinary action, and eventually won last month.

As a result, the school district began a fact-finding investigation lately, but the disciplinary prescription has passed and no one can punish it.

[A/damaged teacher: I've been trying to find out the truth, but there is no reason to do it. That's unfair, for me.] The

government has already enacted the 2014 law to report child abuse by school officials, but it is accusing critics of the education authorities' behavior that has stopped the public from reporting.

(Video coverage: Hong Jong-soo, video editing: Park player)