The Constitutional Court's decision has been made that the provisions of the Enforcement Decree of the Minimum Wages Act, which would include paid weekly leave allowances to be paid even if not working when calculating the minimum wage, do not violate the Constitution.

He said on the 25th that Mr. A of the restaurant made a decision to dismiss a constitutional petition that stated that Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Minimum Wage Act, which required the calculation of the minimum wage, including hours of weekly restraints, would limit freedom of work.

He said, "Wages to be compared include weekly allowances, and weekly allowances are wages that must be paid for weekly holidays." When converting wages to be compared to hourly wages, it can be reasonable to include weekly allowances." I judged.

The main holiday allowance is a paid holiday allowance that is paid to workers who have worked for one week.

Workers who have worked more than 15 hours per week receive a weekly leave allowance equivalent to 8 hours on holidays.

The main leave allowance has been maintained for over 60 years since 1953 when the Labor Standards Act was enacted.

However, as the minimum wage rose rapidly for the current government, it was argued that the weekly allowance should be abolished mainly by the business community.