The sentence was sentenced to death in the first instance by a female junior high school student who was handed over to the court on charges of intimidating and spreading sexual exploitation by intimidating a female student.

The 13th Division of the Criminal Section of the Seoul Northern District Court sentenced Miss A to three years of imprisonment and a short term of one year and three months in jail for charges of violation of the Act on the Protection of Sex for Children and Youth.

The court said the reason for the sentence was that "the victims of the crime are likely to suffer a great deal of suffering or are still suffering now, and as long as the damage video has been distributed, there is a possibility that it will continue to be distributed or reproduced to an unspecified number of people." The.

He added, "It is hard to say that the victim's damage has been fully recovered even if we take into account that the accused admits and reflects on the crime, agreed with the victim, and that the defendant has not yet matured personally enough."

Miss A was forced to shoot sexual exploitation from a female victim of her age when she learned to play a mobile game from March to April of this year, receiving dozens of video and photo files, and charged with distributing them to SNS merchants and acquaintances.

According to the Juvenile Act, minors who commit a crime can be sentenced to long term and short term, and sentenced to irregularities with upper and lower limits.

(Photo = Yonhap News TV capture, Yonhap News)