Animal Crossing will remain as the iconic video game of containment - Nintendo

The latest installment in Animal Crossing has enjoyed phenomenal success since its release at the start of the containment period. But some players are trying to take advantage of this craze by selling wanted characters or even objects for real money, at prices up to 70 euros each, reports the specialized media Kotaku . However, this practice is contrary to the regulations enacted by Nintendo in terms of monetization.

Possible exchanges but not in real money

The game editor allows you to monetize videos of games that are broadcast on streaming platforms like YouTube or Twitch. But he refused to allow objects or characters to be sold for real money.

However, players are allowed to part with bells, the virtual currency of Animal Crossing. They can also be exchanged for Miles Nook tickets, which then offers the possibility of traveling to another island, specifies BFM. To make these exchanges, you have to go to Turnip Exchange, either Le Bon Coin du jeu or Nookazon, the equivalent of Amazon.


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  • Nintendo
  • Video games
  • High-Tech