
Two weeks ago, I was told that a professor at Ewha Womans University of Seoul National University went on a business trip and went to the hotel room of a graduate student assistant, and was given a job by improper acts.

This is Han Sohee's exclusive report.


A professor at Ewha Womans University, Seoul National University, who is being directly deposed and is being disciplined for suspicion of sexual harassment of his assistant.

The disciplinary committee received a suspicion that Professor Lee had asked the relevant assistant to take the question of'Thesis Submission Qualification Exam' in Seoul National University's Master's and Doctorate Courses in 2018 and 19th.

It is argued that the master's degree program was presented as the assistant submitted to the professor, and the doctoral program was selected after consulting with the professor after selecting the assistant.

In August 2018, the assistant professor submitted a transcript of a conversation with the professor to the disciplinary committee a month before the qualification exam.

[Teacher's conversation with professor: (Professor: Why were there 20 questions? What was the last time? How many were?) Victim: Yes, I did some things and the professor took out a few. (Professor: Yes.)]

[Lee Woo-chang/Seoul National University Student Council Human Rights Committee: This is a test to evaluate whether a graduate student can submit the thesis itself or not. .] The

assistant insisted that the undergraduate exam question was also presented directly.

Final exam items for the first semester of 2018 that the TA was presented.

It is a matter of listening to music and writing a composer and work name, but looking at the answer sheet of the actual students, I suspect that the test was taken due to a problem that the assistant had given.

Prof. A said in a call with SBS that he did not feel the need to argue against the TA's claim, and the disciplinary committee said he would call it.

(Video coverage: Park Hyun-cheol, Video editing: Commissioner Yang, VJ: Noh Jae-min)