<The Anchor> The

government is seriously considering the situation in the metropolitan area because the risk of infection in the metropolitan area where half of the population lives is about three times higher than in the province. It means that there are many environments in the metropolitan area where people are concentrated in an enclosed space and are in close contact.

Reporter Nam Joo-hyun will tell you about this.

<Reporter> On the

6th of last month, just before switching from a relaxed social distance to a distance in daily life, there were about 10 confirmed persons on the 1st.

However, after the transition to the streets in daily life, the number of confirmed patients is increasing as large-scale mass infections in the Itaewon Club, Coupang Logistics Center, Richway, and Yangcheon-gu table tennis courts follow.

The health authorities explained that the speed of epidemiological investigation was not catching up after the second and third wave out of the quarantine network when corona19 was spread so quickly that it had already found one confirmed person.

[Night neunghu / Health and Welfare Minister: but to prevent it being conducted large-scale diffusion occurs patient tracking speed can not keep up with the proliferation trend enough is gradual trend growing in]

in the capital to buy the half of the population in the 12% area of the country It is a bigger problem that patient outbreaks are concentrated.

In the recent two weeks, 96% of patients with regional outbreaks have occurred in the Seoul metropolitan area, although measures to strengthen quarantine are ongoing.

As a result of the health authorities backtracking the diagnoses, it was estimated that one out of the metropolitan area infected between 0.5 and 0.6 patients in Corona19, while infecting 1.2 to as many as 1.8 people in the metropolitan area.
At present, the risk of infection in the metropolitan area is about three times that of the non-metropolitan area, which seems to be due to the nature of the metropolitan area, which is inevitable due to the dense population.

It is also a concern that chain infections, such as spider webs, occur everywhere, spreading corona19's high-risk population to many elderly care facilities.

(Video coverage: Jung Sung-hwa, video editing: Jo Moo-hwan)  

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