
This looks like a brown strip on the sea, and it is a type of seaweed called'hoesengjabanban'. At this time, it is being pushed from China to the coast of Jeju, causing damage to fishing boats.

I'm JIBS Kim Yeon-sun.

<Reporter> A

rescue rope is thrown and the divers are rescued.

The divers who broke down and drifted when the motor boat engine was wound with the'hoeseng aunt', but the rescue of the jeju coast guard who went to the rescue was sucked into the engine and stranded.

Between May and June of every year, a large number of hoe-sa-jo-bans are also introduced into the sea of ​​Jeju, leading to a fishing boat accident.

[Lee Gil-nam/Captain Fishing Boat: Because of the hoesaengjaban, it damages equipment and things like this. This time, (Ship) I have been towed twice a day.]

This year, things got worse.

This year, more than 5,000 tons of hoesaengjaban have been introduced to Jeju.

We also increased the number of ships collected by Hoeseng's mother board from 4 last year to 7.

More than 3,500 people were put into the waterfront in the two months, but they still haven't been collected.

The National Fisheries Research and Development Institute expects that hoesaengjaban will continue to flow in by the end of this month, when the sea temperature rises in earnest.

(Video coverage: Oil Age JIBS)