
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the May 18th Democratization Movement, yesterday (18th), Chun Doo-hwan's eldest son, Jaekook, reported that he would pay the fines, and reported the exclusive use of the corporate card. As a result of the interview with SBS, it was also confirmed that Jeon Jae-guk raised his salary by over 40% after returning to the CEO position.

[Chun Jae-kuk / Chun Doo-hwan's eldest son: Isn't that rude? What does it take to get a lot of salary for a representative? ]

Even because the company was difficult, most of the employees' wages were frozen, but Mr. Jeon raised his salary more.

Reporter Bae Jun-woo reports alone.


In 2013, Jeon Jae-guk resigned from the position of CEO after declaring that he would pay a 51% stake in Book Plus.

And in May last year, Mr. A was awarded a 51% stake in the company's public auction, but the increase in paid-in capital was held by Mr. Jeon Jae-guk, and the stake in Mr. A, the largest shareholder, fell below 50%.Through this, Mr. Jeon, who retained control of the company, returned to the CEO after six years in November last year, and it was confirmed that the salary of the CEO, who was 9 million won, rose by 13 million won, 44% immediately after taking office.

According to the book plus salary statement obtained by SBS, the wages of most employees were frozen, except for some, which increased by about 2% when raising the salary for the previous November.

In the past three years, Book Plus sales have shrunk nearly 6 billion from 44.6 billion to 388 billion, and operating profit has been negative for the third consecutive year.

Full-time employees also decreased by 20% from 123 in 2017 to 97 last year.

[Company officials: Corona's case would go bankrupt for another six months due to such sales.]

Eventually, shareholders pointed out the wage increase of the CEO in March, but Mr. Jeon responded with displeasure, and

[Jeon Jae-kuk / Chun Doo-hwan's eldest son (' Record of the March General Meeting of Shareholders' 中): (My) If you don't believe in your abilities, please operate it. Since all the shareholders here admit, I

even said that (my) ability is rude.

[Chun Jae-kuk / Chun Doo-hwan's eldest son ('Record of the general meeting of shareholders in March'): How is that rude here? What's the most salary for a representative (the person of the former country)?] The

Supreme Court ruled in 2016 that "if you set the standard for excessive compensation and exercised influence on the general shareholders' meeting, you can see it as a violation."

[Kyung-Yul Kim / Certified Public Accountant (CEO of Economic Democracy 21): Significant increase in salary alone, irrespective of the company's financial condition, and 'treasure' paid to protect his management rights can be seen as a typical moral hazard (moral hazard) case .]

Mr. Jeon insisted that the increase in wages for the majority of employees was due to the fact that the company's situation was difficult.

(Video coverage: Kang Dong-cheol, video editing: Chae Cheol-ho, CG: Lee Yoo-jin, Park Chun-woong)  

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