Among the three sons of Chun Doo-hwan, the eldest son Jeon-guk Jeon said he would pay his father's fines. In 2013, even after he voluntarily paid 51% of the company's share as a major shareholder, he still used the company's corporate card unfairly and effectively retained management rights. It was confirmed.

As of December 2015, after obtaining and analyzing corporate card details of Book Plus, a book distribution company written by Mr. Jeon, more than 600 cases of suspicion of unfair execution in accordance with IRS standards exceeded 100 million won.

In particular, Mr. Jeon paid over 40 million won in overseas online shopping malls, and found that he spent 37 million won on taverns and golf courses.

Mr. Jeon said in a call with SBS that he received an external audit for the use of a corporate card and that he paid taxes on millions of won that exceeded the limit.