From May 11, travel will be possible at a distance of 100 km as the crow flies. -

  • From Monday, "it will be possible to go out freely on the street without a certificate", within a limit of 100 km around his residence.
  • This limitation will be determined, not by distance traveled, but "as the crow flies".
  • Regularly updated applications and interactive maps make it easy to calculate the area in which you are authorized to travel with a few clicks.

"This is a new step in the fight against the epidemic and good news for France and the French." The Prime Minister welcomed Thursday the gradual lifting of containment across the country. From Monday, "it will be possible to go out freely on the street without a certificate", within a limit of 100 km around his residence, said Edouard Philippe. A breath of fresh air for millions of French people who are living right now (we hope!), Their very last weekend of confinement.

It will therefore be possible from May 11 to travel within a limited perimeter of 100 km around his residence. A limitation determined, not by the distance traveled, but "as the crow flies," said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. This is good news since this “straight line” delimitation can potentially widen the sector authorized for our trips. In some cases, a distance of 100 km "as the crow flies" may indeed correspond to the equivalent of 200 km by road! But how do you know if you respect this displacement zone? To efficiently calculate this distance, 20 Minutes  presents several interactive maps available on mobile or online applications.

  • "Card of deconfinement as the crow flies"

Created a few days ago, this interactive map is very easy to use. “A GPS system (Waze, Tomtom, etc.) is not suitable since it only makes it possible to calculate a distance between two addresses by road. This app, very handy, however offers the user to visualize, calculate and justify if necessary, the distance as the crow flies between two addresses, "explains 20 Minutes Nicolas Lefevre, the application designer" Card deconfinement as the crow flies ”. Available on the Google Play Store for Android smartphones, this interactive map offers the user two functions:

- The user enters a starting address at the top of the application (for example Epernon, France). He can then view a circle with a radius of 100 km around this address by clicking on the button "Display the circle of 100 km".

- To find out the zone in which he has the right to move, the user then adds an arrival address at the bottom of the application (in addition to the departure address previously entered, such as for example Versailles, France). Then he clicks in the application on the button "Calculate the distance as the crow flies between the departure address and the arrival address".

A message is then displayed with the distance in kilometers between these two addresses. A line as the crow flies is drawn on the map, and the user need only use it as a guide.

  • "100  "

Designed using maps made available by Google, the “100km. space ”allows you to see in a few seconds the distance that can be traveled from our place of residence. Just enter in the search engine the name of your city of residence and a green circle appears. Based on the Google Maps API, the app can be used on mobile, tablet and computer. "Following the announcements made for the release of containment, I took a little time to create this story tool to see what represents 100 kilometers around the home," explains Florent Bertiaux, developer from Lille.

The site quickly became very successful, recording more than 140,000 connections in less than 48 hours. "It's just a project to be useful to people(…) Knowing that we have this horizon of 100 kilometers, it already feels good. This card is above all a tool for dreaming, ”said the developer to explain the success of his application. Florent Bertiaux has also implemented another feature in which it is possible to enter up to three addresses to see your loved ones (friends, family) who live more than 100 km away. To do this, just go for 100km. space / friends.html.

👋 Following yesterday's announcements for the release of #confinement, I took a little time this morning to create this story tool to see what 100 kilometers around the home represent:
( if it helps you, don't hesitate to say it or to RT 😉)

- Florent Bertiaux (@kxrz) April 29, 2020
  • "Containment output card"

Created at the start of confinement as soon as the government announced the limitation to 1 km of travel at the end of March, this interactive map also provides a quick overview of the perimeter in which you can circulate. To do this, enter your address and click on the blue dot to have the 100 km around your home. "In case of control and not to risk a fine, this card can also serve as proof," also explain the developers of the site. The police have no way of directly calculating the authorized perimeter of your outing, unless they check it on their smartphone .

Just enter your address and click on the blue dot to have the 100 km around your home. - Containment exit card

The government has also made available its Geoportal platform, modeled on the maps of the National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN), which allows you to know in an ultra-precise manner which area of ​​freedom is assigned to you. The use of this interactive map is however a little more complex. After accessing the portal, you must enter your address in the search bar at the top of the map or authorize the site to geolocate you. To display the perimeter contained within 100 km around your home, simply click on the small adjustable wrench which refers to "parameters", then in the "measurement" tab, and finally on the " calculate an isochronous ", that is to say the surface around a given point. The spot corresponding to your future area of ​​freedom is then drawn on your screen with precision, taking into account natural obstacles (maritime coasts, mountain reefs, lakes, etc.)


Deconfinement: Shops, parks, museums ... Where can you go from May 11?


Deconfinement: What will be the "compelling reasons" to move more than 100km from your home?

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