
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the May 18th Democratization Movement. We obtained the situation log alone, which was prepared by the Ministry of National Defense at the time. If you look at the contents, it contains what you were trying to conceal what the military did at that time while driving Gwangju citizens into mob. This is not the same as the situation log in Gwangju, where people who came out on the street were described as citizens or students.

Reporter Lim Tae-woo compared two records written differently at the same scene.


On May 18, 1980, students from Chonnam National University ran out into the streets in response to the expansion of the new military martial law.

On the same day at 11 am, the Ministry of National Defense's situation log stated that over 200 students had had dialysis against martial law forces.

It is completely different from the situation log of Gwangju City where the students shouted the slogan of lifting the martial law and saying 'return to Chun Doo Hwan'.

The next morning, after a massive protest, the Ministry of National Defense wrote that students threw molotov cocktails toward the police, and Gwangju City said 25 militants were hitting citizens with bludgeons.

[Kim Eun-hyung / National Archives Researcher: There is an expression in the journal of the military that '(mob) agitated citizens'. However, in Gwangju donggucheong journal has the expression "giving citizens distributed to militia, bread and drinks.]

21 May the provincial government building in front of the foam situation, unlike Guangzhou situation journals foamed fact natnatyi few different times of the county Department of Defense He wrote that the mob had taken over the province and the Jeollanam-do government offices, but the fact that he had fired.

On the 23rd, in the military situation log that the mobs were guarding against eavesdroppers with machine guns, there was no indication that two students were killed in the shooting.

[Kim Hee-song / 5 · 18 Research Professor, Research Institute: (citizens) clearly witnessed the fact 40 years ago, but the state erased the records and the new military took over the regime for 12 years, so the truth of Gwangju must be completely obscured. No… .]

Unlike Gwangju City, which recorded a terrible street covered with dead bodies on the 27th when martial law troops entered the Metropolitan Government, the military ended the journal with four letters.

Unlike Gwangju City, which attempted to record the ruthless brutality of martial law, the Ministry of National Defense tried to conceal and distort the brutality of the new military.

The situation journals of the two organizations can be compared in the special exhibition on the 5th and 18th anniversary of the Seoul Museum of History on the 13th.

(Video coverage: Heungsik Kim, Video editing: Park Jin-hoon)