The operating system "Windows 10" from the American company "Microsoft" got, in one day, two types of support, long awaited by tens of millions of users of the system, the first is to achieve a link between it and all the products and tools of the "G-Suite" software package from the company American "Google", which allows the user to manage and control devices that are under the operating system, through the products of "G-Suite", and the second is to open graphics drivers software "Graphics Driver" produced by the American company "Intel", so that it can be configured to work with graphics cards Available by all companies, without being restricted by the drivers that you are Manufacturers of these cards escaped. And Google published the details of its new step with Windows 10 on the official technical support page, while Intel presented its decision details on the drivers download page on its official website

Important support network analysts described the two steps as an important long-awaited support for Windows 10, as it represents an urgent need for system administrators within companies and organizations working with the G-Suite software package in managing systems for controlling devices and equipment connected to networks. Remote information, as well as an urgent need for owners of old personal computers of individuals, owners of companies and small offices, and lovers of electronic games, who are always facing difficulty in upgrading graphics cards in these old devices, because of the differences in the drivers of these cards «Graphic Driver», and the lack Align them to uncle On older Windows 10 devices.

Connect with «G Suite»

The "G-Suite" software package is one of the systems currently widespread in many institutions, companies and organizations, and is used in the management and control of peripheral devices remotely connected to the internal networks of these institutions, with the aim of securing the network's internal data and information against security threats.

According to the "Google" published on the technical support page, it was possible for IT managers in companies operating the "G-Sweet" to impose all security policies on all devices connected to the network from a distance, and operating systems "Android" and "iOS" , "Chrome", "Gambook", and others, but it did not have the ability to do the same with Windows 10 operating system devices, which changed with the recent decision, as technology managers in companies and institutions were able to Imposing their insurance policies and operating rules used within the network on any device that connects to this network from a distance, and works with «Windows 10 ».

Intel Driver

In turn, the company «Intel» made clear in its operating software page «Intel Driver» that it decided to open its programs to run graphics cards, to be configured and controlled, after it was closed, so that these programs can bypass the settings and “specialized” cases that each company sets Manufactured for a graphics card separately.

And it confirmed that it had canceled the insurance known as "DC security" used with graphics drivers, to remove obstacles that prevent the installation of general graphics drivers from "Intel". The move would allow users with DCH drivers, working with older computers, to update and upgrade their systems, to run with new public DCH drivers from Intel, which are regularly updated and released, and contains the latest game improvements and features And fix errors.

She drew «Intel» that this step came in response to the desire of many users of graphics drivers from «Intel» to have the freedom to upgrade their systems to general graphics drivers, which are issued regularly, to get the best updates in graphics cards, promotions and features easily And that they have the freedom to choose between drivers for graphics card manufacturers and general graphics drivers from Intel, to achieve ease of operation and to upgrade old computers.

Measures that can be controlled by connecting with the G Suite

■ Log in to "Windows 10" systems by using "Google Account".

Control the Windows 10 update rules, in terms of timing or delaying the update, and the type of update.

■ Enabling and running the encryption process with the "Bit Locker" tool remotely.

■ Change Windows 10 remote settings to suit company business rules.

■ Wipe and remove company data from the device remotely, any time the company wants.

■ The need for that, by performing a remote “logoff” operation.