▲ Lee Yong-pyo, Director of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency

A police investigating the investigation into the lawsuit of Mr. A, a former prosecutor at the Civil Affairs Office of the Blue House, who died prior to attending the prosecutor's office in connection with the alleged case of the investigation into the investigation and election of the Blue House, has been analyzed by handing over the investigator A's mobile phone at the prosecution.

Lee Yong-pyo, the head of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency at a meeting held today (27th), said, "I received information on A's mobile phone and the case of a criminal investigation from the prosecution on the 24th." "I plan to reveal."

Police say they will take additional steps if there is a lack of motive for death.

Prosecutors recently unleashed investigator A's cell phone password in about four months, and provided the police with the unlocked cell phone.

A police official said, "I didn't get my password."

In addition, the prosecution confiscated the cell phone of investigator A's possessed by the police and the investigation into the case was delayed. The chief said, "It is our agreement that the seizure of the cell phone by the prosecution is agreed." "I was hoping to share what I needed for the police investigation."

A police officer said, "We are checking whether there is anything meaningful about the investigation by the investigator A."

Investigator A was found dead on December 1, last year before attending the prosecution.

Investigator A was a man who served as an executive under the former civil affairs secretary of the Blue House, Won-Woo Baek, and was one of the main references regarding the charges of the former Ulsan Regional Police Agency.

(Photo = Yonhap News)