<Anchor> The

first national academic evaluation this year, which is a mock test for high school students, was held in the form of a remote test today (24th). It was eye-catching to take a test paper while driving in a car, but it was a test that I had never had before taking a test paper at school and solving it at home.

No grades are being calculated, but reporter Ahn Sang-woo reports on the spot.


Cars are full of corrections from early morning.

Stop in order to open the window and receive a test paper.

[(What grade are you in?) First grade ten. (Thank you.)]Students who take the test paper directly share their first greetings with the teacher.

[(How many?) 1, ○○○. (Oh yeah? I'm my homeroom teacher, okay?) I

can download the test paper online through EBS, but more students than expected came to school.

[Gyeonggi High School Principal: I think this might have made me want to try more like a real practice.]Students solved the problem alone at home, but no assessment was made.

In the blink test, where no national grades or grades are calculated, students must be impatient.

[Yueji / High School, 3rd grade: I don't know if I'm the only one who's all right or all the other kids are doing this ... .] It

is difficult to devise an admission strategy because it is difficult to receive entrance examination counseling at school based on the academic achievement score in March.

[Yueji / High School 3rd grade: (Normal) Please do all the school teachers. You're this level, so go ahead and… But a student who doesn't attend a large academy can't write a single thing like college strategy. It's just confusion itself.] That's

why there are concerns that the longer the distance learning distance, the greater the dependence on private education.

(Video coverage: Sungil Kim, Video editing: Hojin Kim, VJ: Soyoung Shin)