
is news of <Anchor> Corona 19. Religious events that have been suspended for a while have been resumed as the social distance guidelines have been easing since this week. In the cathedral, barcodes were introduced to record the names of the mass attendees, and even in temples, masks were held.

I am a reporter for Jeonnam Jeon.


Shinto's footsteps continue to the cathedral that was opened for mass.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul, the Catholic Church of Seoul, resumed the masses two months after the first declaration of suspension in the mass in February.

Mass was held in the presence of believers in 230 cathedrals.

[Bae Eun-hee / Myeong-Dong Catholic Cathedral Shindo: (Internet Mass) No matter how much I tried to concentrate, I tried to do other things. Again (Misa Nao) I think it ’s time to make a new decision… .] The

scenery of the Mass is very different.

The Myeong-Dong Cathedral has only a limited number of people on a first-come, first-served basis.

The fever check and rostering were basically managed by the other churches with the barcodes given to the believers.

Also, I sat over 1m and watched the mass.

National temples such as Jogyesa Temple have also reopened.

[Jihyun Monk / Seoul Jogyesa Temple: Good mask, wash your hands well, keep a good distance, and pray in the courtroom like this so that you can quickly end (Corona 19)… .]

More than half of the churches held on-site worship services over the weekend, and most churches are expected to resume on-site worship services, such as an Easter service held this weekend.

{Video coverage: Taehoon Kim, Video editing: Hojin Kim, screen provided: BBS Buddhist Broadcasting)