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"I don't know if I am infected with Covid-19; that worries me, because I haven't seen my son in a month," someone confesses. " I am having a hard time not making a permanent decision because of a temporary situation ," laments another person. It is not therapy, but almost. And they are not messages addressed to a person, but to a website. It is a relief, but also an altruistic act: if you do not receive at least one message every 24 hours, the page will disappear forever.

"I am a web page. Soon I will disappear and nothing happens." With this phrase he welcomes his visitors This website will self destruct . As Pessoa wrote , I am extremely happy to think that my death is of no importance.

To avoid his death you just have to send a message through the form provided by the page itself. Without emails, names or social networks; simply ask for a message that will then appear randomly to whoever visits the web. A few words, a click and one more day of life.

Its developer created this experiment on April 18 so that people could "shout their anxieties in a vacuum". He thought that when he woke up he would be a few hours after his death, but the countdown of 86,400 seconds is still active and restarts practically constantly. When you don't, everything will disappear without a trace.

"Until then, let me know how you are." Although the message will be readable, the identity of the person who wrote it will not be made public or information about users will be stored. "Feel free to say what you think."

Thus, hundreds of messages fill the virtual bulletin board: "you are going to spend more time with us than you thought", "spring is my favorite season", "I am shitting", "I am not where I would like to be, but I will not let that can with me "," in the end we all self-destruct ".

This website will self destruct is a blank sheet of paper that can be the door of a service station bathroom or the paper on which Machado left his last verse. These blue days and this childhood sun enter the quarantine window to be the howl of Ginsberg, the meme that accuses the Government (any of them) of having lost control of a situation that should simply serve to change the battery to all the birds or the person who claims to have taken advantage of these same blue days to learn to self-feather.

And when they all forget about the page for 86,400 seconds, their reflections will disappear forever. This page will self-destruct.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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