
The news of self-containment violations is frowned upon, but on the contrary, there are cases where self-containment has been thoroughly conducted.

After a nurse volunteered in Daegu, he went into a mountain vacant home and lived in isolation alone. Reporter Sangmin Kim heard the story.


Jeonbuk Jangsu's Dojo Village arrived on a rare country road. An old single-story house of a prison appears.

Inside are all mats and heating appliances, simple portable cookware and clothes racks.

This is a self-containment place where Kim Seong-deok, a 21-year-old nurse, Daehoon Veterans Hospital, stayed two days ago.

Nurse Kim left medical aid in Daegu with colleagues on the 8th of last month.

[Kim Seong-deok / Daejeon Veterans Hospital Nurse: I couldn't sleep because I remembered that the medical staff was suffering from (Daegu). I'd rather go down comfortably ... ]

On the 22nd of last month, the last day of the service, he was given a negative decision, but instead of Daejeon, where he had a home, Kim went to Jangsu, where his family was.

It was because of the worries that the results could turn positive.

[Kim Seong-deok / Daejeon Bohun Hospital Nurses: (Daejeon Eun) There are many children and there is a possibility of being in contact too ... There are a lot of people. Because I know that there are empty houses because I go back and forth frequently. .]

I lasted two weeks in an empty house where only electricity was available.

[Kim Seong-deok / Daejeon Veterans Hospital Nurse: You have nothing to do alone, for two weeks. I cleaned it (households), fixed it and lived]

I couldn't speak to my family.

[Kim Seong-deok / Daejeon Veterans Hospital Nurse: I'm so sorry for the worry, my child. I thought it would be easy to simply apply and quarantine, but this is different from what I expected. .]

Nurse Kim, who had a negative judgment, was confirmed two days ago and now moved to Chonbuk National University Hospital.

Among those who walk freely even after being informed of self-containment, Nurse Kim personally showed what consideration for others is.

[Kim Seong-deok / Daejeon Veterans Hospital Nurse: If you see patients at the scene, you can never go outside. I do n’t know when this will end if I ’m not sure what to keep… .]

(Video coverage: Hong Jong-soo, video editing: Park player, screen provided: Jeonsu Jangsu-gun Office, Korea Veterans Welfare Medical Corporation)