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The star of 'High fidelity' stars, along with Emile Hirsch, 'Land of violence' (Movistar +), a twilight western

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"My film shows the dark side of the American dream and the desperate search for happiness at any cost." This is how the Irish filmmaker Ivan Kavanagh ( The Channel ) describes the objective he intends to achieve with the twilight western Land of Violence . Its plot is set in 1849, a date that registered great changes in society ; among others, the gold rush and a breeding ground that would lead to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.

The story takes place in a lost town on the California Route , which was the main route of emigration to that part of the American West. Kavanagh, inspired by the harshness reflected in the photos of that time, has acknowledged that he sought to make a classic western that reflected the birth of the United States , a country largely based on the arrival of citizens from other places.

'Land of violence' trailer

The film describes the pulse between two foreigners. One of them is Patrick (Emile Hirsch), a carpenter and gravedigger from the Irish town. He lives on the outskirts of his town with Audrey (Déborah François, Cézanne and me), his French wife, and their two children: a boy and a girl. He is distressed by the lack of future in the place , dominated by a Puritan preacher, and dreams of continuing his way to California. His wife is not encouraged. One night a stranger knocks on his door, the amoral and dangerous Albert "the Dutchman" (an almost unrecognizable John Cusack) with his two cronies.

The arrival of the outsiders will give rise to a great change in the place, in which nothing will be as before. Some twists that do not bode well, but that Patrick will accept because they bring him an economic bonanza that he had not known until then and that refer to his desire to emigrate to the West.

Patrick (Emile Hirsch) chats with his son Thomas (Quinn Topper Marcus).

Kavanagh , who has been trying to make Land of Violence since 2007, has filmed it in an unusual way. Rather than giving the actors a finished script, he provided them with detailed information on their characters and instructed them on how they were supposed to react. As a European co-production led by Ireland, it was filmed in Connemara, in the west of this country, and in Luxembourg, places that served as the USA. Night scenes with cloudy skies prevail in the image, with some moments of special harshness, such as the hanging of a teenage girl. Without wishing to reveal anything, because it is obvious, the film begins with a sequence that misleads a little and that is not just understood until the end.

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