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Focused on a space-traveling bounty hunter, the series is part of the 'Star Wars' universe and is available on the paid platform

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'The Mandalorian' trailer

The Mandalorian is one of the series that is giving the most to talk about. Released successfully in the US at the end of last year, since March 24 it can be enjoyed on Disney +, which premieres a chapter every Friday. Set after the fall of the Galactic Empire and before the First Order erupts , the series has it all to conquer fans of the Star Wars saga ... and also those who lost faith in it long ago.


In the 8 chapters that make up the first season of The Mandalorian , action is a determining factor to hook the viewer. Fights, space chases in ships or well-choreographed shootings are some of the surprises that await. Among other moments, it is worth noting the shooting in the final part of Chapter 1, an unequal duel between humble day laborers and well-armed troops in Chapter 4, or a manhunt inside a space prison in Chapter 6. According to Recognized those responsible for the production and Pedro Pascal, the protagonist, Clint Eastwood and the films of the West have served as sources of inspiration.


One of the great pillars of the series. His surprising (eye to the spoiler) appearance at the end of the first episode completely changes the priorities of Mando, the bounty hunter who will become his great protector from then on. At the commercial level, it is a first-level claim that was not conveniently exploited at first. In fact, the first dolls were slow to launch and were not available in US stores until the end of the year. You just have to look at him and ask himself: can anyone really resist having a Baby Yoda doll in his house?

This is 'Baby Yoda'.


Those who were disappointed after seeing the latest film installments of the Star Wars saga should not lose hope with The Mandalorian . With absolute respect for everything that the first trilogy meant, Disney has known how to play with the fundamental elements of the saga (such as ethics, sacrifice, kindness, support for the disadvantaged, the mysterious halo that surrounds The Force or heroism), and they have added Moff Gideon, a villain from the manual who bursts well into the plot, and charismatic characters who immediately hook the audience. Darth Vader is not there, but Moff Gideon surrounded by imperial troops is a hoot.


Beneath Mando's armor and helmet is Pedro Pascal, one of the two protagonists of the Narcos series . The Chilean actor, whom we never see the face (or can it be? There is the doubt), shares the bill with luxury supporters like Gina Carano (former MMA warrior turned actress and seen in movies like Fast & Furious 6 or Deadpool ), Carl Weathers (Apollo Creed in the Rocky saga), Giancarlo Esposito (the owner of the Pollos Hermanos in Breaking Bad ), the Spanish Natalia Tena ( Game of Thrones series) and, to the delight of moviegoers, Werner Herzog (director de Aguirre, the anger of God , The enigma of Gaspar Hauser and Fitzcarraldo ) as the sinister client that hires the services of Command. As if that were not enough, the directors of some chapters are the actress Bryce Dallas Howard ( Jurassic World ) and the New Zealander Taika Waititi, recent winner of the Oscar for Best Screenplay Adapted by Jojo Rabbit . At the forefront is Jon Favreau ( Iron Man , The Lion King ), a safe bet by Disney that has managed to adapt the Star Wars universe to the new times.

Werner Herzog brings to life the client who hires the services of Command.


Don't get off the screen when the final credits start. They are simply a wonder that is worth enjoying. These are illustrations that recall the most significant scenes of each chapter.


In the US, viewers welcomed the series and, after watching its final chapter, expressed on social networks their total satisfaction with the result. The score received on different websites has been very high: on, 8.7 out of 10; on RottenTomatoes, 93 percent satisfaction; and 7.8 in Filmaffinity. Very attentive to those good reviews, Disney has decided to shoot a second season that, in principle, will premiere next October.

According to the criteria of

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