
The first semester of 2020, which had been delayed due to Corona19, will begin next month. Students start their classes online without going to school, and each school year has different start dates. First, high school and middle school students begin the semester on the following Thursday, April 9th, and the rest of the middle and high school students and elementary school high school students start on the 16th of the week afterwards, and the first year of elementary school, and the second and third year elementary school on April 20th. Enter a remote class. As the school starts to be delayed, the end-of-school exams or vacation periods are naturally adjusted, and the SAT exams are also postponed for two weeks.

First, reporter Han Ji-yeon will summarize the contents of the Ministry of Education.


The government said that the first online school opening was a decision to prepare for the long-term corona19.

The results of public opinion polls with high opposition to school opening on April 6 and in favor of online opening were also reflected.

[Eunhye Yoo / Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education: With Corona 19, the way of studying at school should change, and I think it is necessary to boldly promote distance education in preparation for the prolongation of infectious diseases.]

As the school starts sequentially from April 9th ​​to 20th, the number of statutory class days is reduced from 13th to 19th by grade level.

At the same time, he explained that the reason for not starting school was that high school and middle school students should not have a long learning gap, and that elementary school students need to develop additional programs.

[Lee Sang-soo / Ministry of Education, Curriculum Policy Officer: We considered elementary school students' risk of being exposed to smart devices for a long time, or issues of concentration.]

The math test for this year, scheduled for November 19th, is also postponed for two weeks to December 3rd, and the schedule for assignments, such as regular and scheduled, is delayed.

The Ministry of Education provides smart devices and the Internet to students with a median income of 50% or less to prevent education gaps, and provides subtitles, sign language, braille, and home visit education for students with disabilities.

In addition, after the end of April, according to the spread of 'Corona 19', it is said that it is also considering ways to combine remote classes and attending school.

(Video coverage: Kang Yun-gu, Video editing: Jongwoo Kim)