Coronavirus: During confinement, your parents or grandparents went to social networks? - Wokandapix / Pixabay

This period of confinement, linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, logically changes our habits. And while you find yourself distant from your family, without having the possibility of visiting them, and everyone has to find a way to stay in touch and spend their days, parents or even grandparents come to social networks with a dose of good humor, little failures (not from generation Y who wants) and pretty anecdotes to tell.

Has your mother discovered Facebook and shared a meme with you every day since (a meme that you had seen 300 times before)? Your grandfather discovers Instagram and now posts all this carpentry work there? Parents, grandparents, did you register on social media during confinement? Together you now share with your family your most #beauxconfins on your Messenger conversation? Tell us about it while testifying using the form below. Your testimonies will be used to write an article. Thank you in advance.

  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Society
  • By the Web
  • Social media