Cho Hyun-ah (46), former vice president of Korean Air, was briefly prosecuted for hurting her husband.

Child abuse was accused.

According to the legal community on the 25th, the Seoul Central District Attorney's Division of Women and Children's Crimes (Prosecutor Yoo Hyun-jung) prosecuted former vice-president Joo for a fine of 3 million won in mid-month.

Her husband, Park Mo (46), sued Cho for ex-president in February of last year, saying that she was injured because her ex-vice president was angry and screamed and threw her neck and threw a tablet PC.

The prosecution dismissed the child abuse part of the police's prosecution, saying that former vice president threw a spoon at his twin son or uttered it.

The couple of former vice presidents, alumni of elementary school, have been in divorce lawsuit since April 2018.

(Photo = Yonhap News)