Amazon illustration. - XAVIER VILA / SIPA / SIPA

Amazon has removed a million products wrongly claiming to protect or cure coronavirus from its site. Several tens of thousands of items, the prices of which had jumped during the epidemic, have disappeared from the site, said the e-commerce giant on Thursday.

Among these goods are antibacterial gels and health masks, reports Reuters. Thus, the pack of ten N95 type masks, manufactured by M3, was normally sold for around $ 41. Since the beginning of the epidemic, it could be found at the price of 128 dollars on the site.

Honest sellers also wronged

In a press release, Amazon indicates that it has applied its customer protection policy: the information concerning the products must be reliable, and the company reserves the right to remove the products likely to betray the confidence of the buyers. This is particularly the case when the prices "are significantly higher than the prices recently observed on Amazon or elsewhere".

The firm has not specified from what percentage a rise in price is considered exaggerated. To identify abuse, Amazon uses automated tools and human moderation. The device would however have limits, notes Wired. A professional seller of sanitary masks on Amazon recently complained that their items were removed from the site when their price was the lowest in this category of objects.

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  • High-Tech
  • ecommerce
  • Amazon
  • coronavirus
  • epidemic
  • Virus