
A lung cancer patient has been infected with Corona 19 and is now at home, which is more dangerous than anyone else. If this is the case, then you need a system that allows people who are originally ill to pick out more dangerous people and distribute them to the hospital for intensive care.

Shin Jung is a reporter.


Sixteen patients with Corona19 who died until yesterday (28th) were mostly elderly or had underlying disease.

Except for seven patients in Qingdao University Hospital who had mental illness, most of them were over 65 years old or had chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, and cancer.

It is urgent to quickly classify and intensively treat these high-risk patients in order to minimize casualties in cases of spikes.

[Kwon, Jun-wook / Head of National Institute of Health: Focus on screening and treatment, especially for seniors over 65 and those with underlying diseases such as cancer or cardiopulmonary disease.]

The problem is that there are exceptions.

The third confirmed death after dying at home was 40, and no serious underlying disease was identified.

Consider cases of patients whose symptoms worsened faster than expected.

[Kim Kang-rip / Ministry of Health and Welfare Deputy Minister: Considering the time until the severity judgment, there is a side that seems to be a case that proceeded considerably exceptionally.]

That's why it's important to be able to quickly and efficiently allocate facilities and medical personnel to treat seriously ill patients.

For this, the government says it will make it possible for critically ill patients to be treated at major university hospitals in Seoul.

In addition, we plan to open a number of national public hospitals, such as the Masan National Hospital and the National Armed Forces General Hospital, to accommodate the proliferation of Daegu patients.

(Video coverage: Kim Min-chul, Video editing: Kim Jong-tae)